By Marcus Santer, Author of Shaolin Chi Kung
Good health is your birth right, but you're responsible for maintaining it and for facilitating its return if you currently experience pain or illness.Today's modern lifestyles make more demands on you than ever before. You're expected to do more, do it quicker and do it better - every day. Illnesses such as depression, stress, insomnia, fatigue, IBS and obesity are growing at an alarming rate.Finding the time to combat the increased stresses and strains you experience can become a stress in its own right. I mean, do you really want to spend an hour in the gym after a hard day at work? Not to mention the time involved in getting there and back again.
At a glance:
What is Shaolin Chi Kung (Qigong)?Gentle body movements co-ordinated with the breathing, performed in a meditative state of mind. To cultivate energy, health and vitality.What it offers:
Increase your bodies energy
Overcome pain and illness
Promote good health
Increase vitality
Is it right for you?If you believe that being healthy and well is your responsibility, if you want to overcome pain and illness, and you are prepared to invest 15 minutes every day then Shaolin Chi Kung is for you.
Shaolin Chi Kung may be the solution you are looking for. Once you've mastered its 3 core skills you need only invest 15 minutes a day (30 if you're really keen) to keep your health in shape, your emotions balanced, your mind clear, and feel in charge of your life.With regular daily practice you'll move through your life in a relaxed, clear and focused manner you'll be delighted with. And the best bit is there are no expensive annual memberships, no need for any special equipment and you can practice in the privacy and convenience of your own home or wherever else in the world you may find yourself.If you're currently experiencing any regular pain or illness in your life, the practice of Shaolin Chi Kung can lead you back to the levels of health and happiness you desire.
Now, you may be thinking all this sounds too good to be true, I know I did when I first discovered Shaolin Chi Kung 14 years ago. So it will interest you to know that up until 30 years ago, the material you will find in Shaolin Chi Kung was a very closely guarded secret of an elite few.But thanks to the pioneering work of my teacher (4th Generation Shaolin Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit, or Sifu as his students call him) you now have the incredible opportunity to apply and benefit from the health defence art known as Shaolin Chi Kung. There is a urgent public need for Chi Kung, particularly in overcoming degenerative and psychiatric illnesses.Sifu is one of the few masters who have introduced the once secretive Shaolin Chi Kung to the public, and has helped many people to obtain relief from or overcome so-called incurable diseases like hypertension, asthma, rheumatism, arthritis, diabetes, migraine, gastritis, gall stones, kidney failure, depression, anxiety. I consider myself blessed to have been taught these healing arts by Sifu and to be able to share them with my own students.The practise of Shaolin Chi Kung won't make you a super human being or stop unwanted things happening in your life. That's not realistic.But...The practice of Shaolin Chi Kung will allow you to increase your resistance to illness, increase your ability to handle stress, increase your ability to harness the power of your wonderful mind and increase your joy for life. This same Art can help you to get rid of pain and illness from your life for ever.It may seem confusing that Shaolin Chi Kung can overcome pain and illness, whatever your symptoms, and at the same time maintain and enhance health if you already have it.But this is the beauty of Shaolin Chi Kung and one of the main aspects that makes it so powerful if you want to live a long, healthy and happy life.No matter where you're starting out from. Whether you currently have a so-called incurable disease or enjoy rude health, the practise of Shaolin Chi Kung will be of great service to you.Shaolin Chi Kung is the art of deliberately managing your vital energy - the energy that keeps you alive. It's built upon the scientific principals of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a model of medicine (there are many approaches to medicine, Western medicine being one of them) that has kept the largest population on the planet healthy and happy, and helped them to successfully overcome all illness, for the longest period of accurately recorded history.Put simply - it works!In fact, it'll probably come as a surprise for you to discover that in the TCM model of health there is only 1 illness. And I'll tell you what it is on page 11 and how the practise of Shaolin Chi Kung can overcome/prevent it.The great news is Shaolin Chi Kung consists of simple, gentle movements of the body, co-ordinated with the breath, performed in a medititive state of mind. It is simple, direct and effective.It is a joy to practise and quickly brings benefits that make your daily practise something you'll look forward to doing each day.
Shaolin Chi Kung
18 Exercises to Help You Live a Longer Healthier and Happier Life
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Here’s an overview of what's in Shaolin Chi Kung
For the first time collected in one book, written in the English Language - clear, complete and in-depth instructions for each of the 18 patterns from the famous Shaolin 18 Lohan Hands Chi Kung set.

Each pattern is presented with:
Its Chinese name (including calligraphy) with English translation
Extensive high resolution photographs using the amazing "Transition shot method" that guides you easily from one pattern to the next. You'll never wonder how to get from one photograph to the next. It's almost like watching a video in a book. See the figure on the left for an example of what I mean.
An "At a glance" guide so you can quickly decide which is the most cost effective pattern for you to practise if you have a particular illness. Along with a more in depth description of symptoms overcome and benefits to be had from each pattern.
An A.K.A (Also Known As) list. Most of the patterns are known by a number of different names which can make things confusing if you're not familiar with them.
Clear and simple instructions. As descriptive as they need to be and no more. If it only takes 3 pages to cover the form, breathing, important points, photographs, reasons why you would practise this pattern and any comments from students about why this pattern is their favourite - then 3 pages is all I have written. (Though it did take me 6 pages to cover Reverse Hands Bend Waist - A.K.A. Nourishing Kidneys - in sufficient depth).

36 Benefits and Advantages you can gain by reading and applying the material in Shaolin Chi Kung
Shaolin Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit shares an inspiring truth. (p.5)
Are we really becoming a nation that believes there is a "pill for every ill"? Discover what drove the author to write Shaolin Chi Kung. (p.8)
Understand how Shaolin Chi Kung can give you better health and more energy up to 4 times quicker than nearly all Chi Kung practised today. (p.8)
Finally understand the concept of Yin and Yang with this clear explanation. (p.11)
There is only 1 illness - want to know what it is and how the practise of Shaolin Chi Kung prevents you from getting it? Turn to page 11.
Good health is your birth right - learn how the meridians play a vital part in your health, vitality and longevity. (p. 12)
Understand the difference between the thematic and holistic approaches to health, and why treating the root cause of an illness is one of the key strengths of Shaolin Chi Kung. (p. 15)
Know what Chi Kung is, how it promotes health, vitality and longevity, and the two main areas of health maintenance it excels at. (p.16)
Find out what Jing, Chi and Shen are and why they are important to you. (p.17)
Understand the different levels of Chi Kung practised today. (p. 18)
Discover the difference between spiritual and religious and why you can practise and benefit from Shaolin Chi Kung regardless of what faith you follow
Why did the Venerable Bodhidharma first teach the 18 Lohan Hands Chi Kung set to the monks of the Shaolin Temple? (p. 19)
Discover the 3 Treasures that the Shaolin Temple gave to the world. (p. 19)
Gain confidence from the clear instructions given on how to use Shaolin Chi Kung to get maximum results. (p. 20)
Realise the difference between Masters and students in any discipline. I use a simple little story to really make the point. (p. 22)
Discover why Vision, Planning and Action are essential for your rapid success with Shaolin Chi Kung and how they guarantee you can get more in less time. (p. 24)
If you have ever set yourself a "goal" that you failed to achieve, here's the reason why. (p. 26)
I share with you what I've called “The Route of the Masters”. I use this step by step approach with my own students to help them turbo charge the results they get in all areas of their lives. (p. 29)
Learn the 7 steps to P.E.R.F.E.C.T. Shaolin Chi Kung practise. (p. 32)
Find out what the 4 stages to Mastery in anything are. (p. 33)
Learn how to enter a Chi Kung State of Mind - one of 3 essential skills that make Shaolin Chi Kung one of the greatest healing arts in the world today. (p. 37)
Yew foong pai lau - poetically known as Flowing Breeze Swaying Willows, practised by advanced Shaolin exponents in the past. This is the 2nd of the 3 essential Shaolin Chi Kung skills. It has also been one of the most closely guarded secrets of Shaolin Chi Kung. Discover what it is, how it works and why it is essential if you wish to overcome pain and illness. (p.40)
Standing Zen - the 3rd essential skill that will help you to overcome pain and illness and experience the good health that is your birth right. (p.44)
Want a beautiful, youthful appearance without botox injections or surgery? And at the same time stimulate important energy points for your well being? Turn to page 46 to learn how.
For the first time ever, presented in 1 volume, in the English language - 76 pages of clear instructions presented with "Transition Shot Technology" photographs that will allow you to quickly pick up and practise any of the 18 patterns from the famous Shaolin 18 Lohan Hands Chi Kung set. Starts on page 49.
An easy to use trouble shooting guide that assists you in overcoming the most common hurdles beginning students face. (p.127)
Would you like to live to 120 free from pain and illness? Then read page 128 for further details.
Know what to do when your practise is unexpectedly disturbed so you can avoid experiencing disorientating shock and having your energy scattered. It's simple when you know how. (p.129)
Discover what the 2 most important words you need to know are when practising Shaolin Chi Kung. (p.130)
If you really want to speed up your healing process, the simple instruction on p.131 will be of great benefit to you.
Discover the 10 classic Dos and Dont's that are essential for your practise of Shaolin Chi Kung. (p.131)
The teachings of 4th Generation Shaolin Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit, represent the coming together of two important lineages from the Southern Shaolin Temple. Understand why this means you inherit the best of two Shaolin traditions. (p.139)
There are 3 vital requirements for success in any endeavour you will ever undertake in your life. Knowing what they are will save you a lot of wasted time, energy and money. You can find them on page 140.
The important little exercise on page 143 can change the course of your life and influence what old age will mean for you.
Make it all the way to page 144 and discover why you are in the top 2 percent of readers in the world today.
Shaolin Chi Kung the download is only the beginning of your successful relationship with great health, abundant energy and longevity. For those who wish to go further you can find a list of useful books, websites and contacts on page 146.
And so much more, this list above hardly scratches the surface of what you'll get from the 148 pages of the Shaolin Chi Kung eBook.
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18 Exercises to Help You Live a Longer Healthier and Happier Life
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Who am I?

My name is Marcus Santer and I am the founder and chief instructor of Qigong15. Qigong15 was created to share authentic Shaolin Chi Kung (Qigong is just another way of spelling Chi Kung) and get the message out to the public that Chi Kung is the worlds best kept, stay young, health and energy secret.
About two years ago I read an interesting article in a quality broadsheet. It stated that in the West we are in danger of becoming a society that believes there is a "Pill for every ill". It disturbed me that we are handing over the responsibility for our health and well being to others and Shaolin Chi Kung is the result.I set to work testing what material was the most useful in showing people how to take back the power for their health and well being. I started trying out different approaches with my beginning students. It quickly became clear what gave the best benefits and within a short period of time, Shaolin Chi Kung virtually wrote itself.
What practitioners of Shaolin Chi Kung are saying:

“I practised other styles of Chi Kung for years and then I was lucky enough to meet Grandmaster Wong Kiew Kit. After my first lesson with him I threw all my other Chi Kung exercises away. Why? Because like all Shaolin Arts, Shaolin Chi Kung is simple, direct and effective.”Sifu Kai Uwe Jettkandt

“Since practising Shaolin Chi Kung depression hasn't darkened my door and this all happened within a couple of weeks of starting - I'm eight months down the line now and have no intention of ever turning back.”Claire Bond - Photographer
“This book is a wonderful introduction to authentic Shaolin Chi Kung. Marcus's writing is clear, concise and genuine. Shaolin Chi Kung has opened up a whole new world of goodness for me. I highly recommend it.”Edie Wallace
“Excellent book! Descriptions of the forms are very clear and concise. Instructions on achieving the 'Chi Kung State of Mind' and establishing a structured practice are very helpful for getting the most benefits from Chi Kung.”Ron Evans
“Shaolin Chi Kung with Marcus Santer literally changed my life. I'm better physically, mentally and emotionally from having applied the lesson learned in this book. Thanks Marcus.”Jae Jenny Holaman Nelson
“Shaolin Chi Kung is the true secret to a longer, healthier and happier life. Marcus introduces the practitioner to powerful techniques that balance the body, mind and spirit.”Claire Bond - Photographer
“Shaolin Chi Kung is a book every serious practitioner should have in their collection. It is not a book you read once, but a guide you can refer to over and over again. Marcus's passion for Chi Kung is placed on every single page and he will guide you in a direction to live a happier, healthier and longer life. Thanks Marcus for all you do.”Robert McNulty
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The techniques, principals and advice you'll recieve in Shaolin Chi Kung have helped hundreds of people just like you to overcome pain and illness, increase energy and live a happier, healthier and longer life.Will you allow me to help you too?It would be my pleasure to share the skills and techniques of Shaolin Chi Kung with you, and I realise that we have just met, so you may have thing things on your mind...Like...
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What if I order and for some reason it just doesn't work for me? It is my opinion, like we talked about earlier that Shaolin Chi Kung can help you live a happier, healthier and longer life, but I have been wrong before and if for some weird reason it doesn't work for you...or even if you are not absolutely delighted FOR ANY REASON...please, I WANT you to get a refund. In fact, you have a full 90 days before you have to decide. How many Chi Kung teachers offer you that?Can't I just find this information free on the internet? I LOVE to save my money and find stuff free when I can, but I know for a fact that the only place on the planet that you can get your hands on what is inside the Shaolin Chi Kung downloadable book is right here. See, I have spent hours looking at what is available...and some of it is okay...but you don't get the WHOLE PICTURE...and reading an article or two or watching a video, without really understanding what you're doing...can really hurt your chances of a happier, healthier and longer life, rather than improve them.When will I receive Shaolin Chi Kung? Great question. You will receive it immediately after you have ordered because it is a downloadable book (ebook). So you will have it on your hard drive and in your hands in moments. It is very safe, reliable and so easy a caveman could download it.Can I use the Shaolin Chi Kung on a Mac? Yes! Shaolin Chi Kung is in PDF format so it is viewable on PCs as well as Macs.What if I have a question about something in Shaolin Chi Kung? This is priced for “DIY” like all books, but if you have problems accessing your purchase, just ask!I also provide a 100% money back guarantee...
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I look forward to sharing Shaolin Chi Kung with you and wish you every success with your practiceKindest regards

Marcus James SanterPS. Most people will never know that they can learn how to be healthy, happy and full of vitality and that it is no more difficult than learning how to brush your teeth. Don't miss out on this opportunity, buy Shaolin Chi Kung now and start applying the most powerful health defence art to your life.
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18 Exercises to Help You Live a Longer Healthier and Happier Life
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How To Make The Most Of This Book
Shaolin Chi Kung is a workbook, not a theory book.For best results read the book through once and then go back again and pay particular attention to Part 3. Part 3 outlines the 7 steps to P.E.R.F.E.C.T. practice. It is vital that you are very clear on each step. Pay particular attention to the instructions on page 33.Read through the “Why you may choose to practice <Pattern Name>” for each pattern and decide which pattern from the Shaolin 18 Lohan Hands you feel will best serve your immediate needs.Then make sure you follow the instructions for that pattern. First learn how to perform the pattern at the form level only. When you are absolutely confident that you can perform the pattern “picture perfect”, then and only then, add the breathing component (if applicable, not all patterns have specific breathing instructions).To really increase your benefits please spend at least 45 minutes working through the material in part 2. If you are clear on what you want and why you want it, you are in a much more powerful and likely position to get it. It really is very simple.There are 3 hallmarks of all authentic Shaolin Arts they are: Simple, Direct and Effective. So keep it simple, follow the instructions to the best of your ability and enjoy your practice.You have in your hands what I consider to be the most powerful health defense art in the world today. But it will only work for you if you apply it and use it. Don’t let this book sit on your hard drive gathering cyber dust!Enjoy your practice!P.S. To keep up to date with all things Qigong/Chi Kung — please visit for daily Qigong inspiration.